Four Classical Indian Schools of Dance Developed

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

1. Bharata Natyam - Performed mainly by the Devadasis (Female temple dancers) of South India, this is a stormy, austere from which was traditionally part of worship.

2. Kathakali - This south Indian form was intended for entertainment where male dancers present sotries from the great Hindu epics.

3. Kathak - Excitingly rhythmic, it was once danced by priests. This dance was later performed by men and women to entertain the Muslim and Hindu courts of north India by relating the erotic exploits of the God Krishna.

4. Manipuri - Court ladies depict the Legend of Krishna in a graceful and restful manner characteristic of Northern India.

All these forms combine pantomine, narrative movement with non literal movement and are accompanied by instrumental music and usaally words, thereby, creating a unified dance drama.


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