
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Point: To measure the force and endurance of the abdominal muscles.

Detailed plan of procedure:

1. Lie flat on the floor or mat with the knees bent at 90 degrees with the feet flat on the floor. Cross the arms close to the chest with the fingertips on the level with the shoulders. The arms must endure in contact with the chest all the time. The partner kneels and hold down the feet of the accomplisher.

2. Do "curl-ups" by elevating the trunk in the direction of the knees until the upper part of the crossed arms touches the knees. This is one curl-up. Avoid bouncing off the floor

3. Without to stop temporarily, return to the starting position with the back touching the floor or mat; then immediately curl-up again. Do it again as many times as possible.

4. Inhale when curling up and exhale when the trunk is lowered.


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