Sit and Reach

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Point: To extent flexibility of the lower back and the hamstring muscles.

Detailed plan of procedure:

1. Begin by perching on the ground surface with the back against the wall, legs in variable direction, flat on the floor and spread 30 centimeters apart.

2. Interlock the thumbs and overlap the middle fingers. Without granting the head, neck, back and hips to shift aside from the wall, sluggishly reach as far forward as contingent with fully degree arms with fingertips touching the floor. Hold this posture as the tester slides touches the fingertips. This position of the meter stick on the floor should not be moved while you do the Sit and Reach movement.

3. Back to the staring position with relaxed arms and shoulder .

4. Immediately, do the sit and reach by slowly reaching out forward and down with both arms and the fingertips slightly touching the meterstick. Return to hthe starting position and do it again one more time. On the last try, hold the posture at least 2 seconds as the score is being read.


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