Dance in Tibet

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dance in Buddhist Tibet is gazed upon as a piece of pageants and yearly festivities. The dances represent scenes which verify the triumph of Buddha and his followers over the evil and illusions of the world.

Bhutan and Nepal are Hindu and the dances are on the horizontal condition of village entertainment, being used as a means of courtship or unfolding acrobatic movements. Read more...

Dance in Philippines

The colonization of the people by region by Spain has greatly influenced its folk dances. This is evident in the movement, music and dress in general of it's dances. In the south, Muslim dancers are greatly inspired by the Indian style of dancing. Philippines folk dances are characterized by clemantary movements based in themes like planting rice and harvesting skillful movements using water-filled glasses, fans and burning candles. Read more...

Basic Guidelines on Physical Fitness

Exercise has a lot of advantages. It makes you feel better, gives the extra energy relief and gives you to deal with life stresses better.

The heart will get stronger and more efficient as you increment fitness. Your blood pressure decremental to a lower and more healthful level. The body, including the heart, uses more oxygen more effectively. Furthermore, as you exercise and get into shape, your body composition changes. The fat goes down and lean muscles develop.

The heart is composed of muscles that desired to be strengthened. Exercise for this must be done with right intensity and duration. The proper intensity can be through by the following procedure.

1. Personal Maximal Heart Rate(PMHR). The highest heartbeat is 220 per minute. To figure out(PMHR), take your pulse, subtract your age from your heartbeat.

For Example:

220 Highest heartbeat
- 15 Age

205 Heartbeat of a 15-year-old-person taking (PMHR)

2. Training Heart Rate (THR). The THR portrays the rate of heartbeat before and after an excercise. To take this, multiply the (PMHR) with 60% for the lowest rate and 80% for th highest rate.

For example:

205 (PMHR) of a 15-year-old person
x .6 60%
123 Lowest (THR)

205 (PMHR) of a 15-year-old person
x .08 80%
164 Highest (THR)

Therefore, the THR of a 15-year old should be between123 and 164 eats while excercising. The continuance of the workout should not be an 15 munites. Increase is gradually until the 30-munute workout is reached. Stop your timepiece when the highest rate of heartbeat is attained. The excercise, in order to be succesful, should be done every other day, three times a week, with proper intensity and time duration.

Talking is the easy way to see if you are in the traing range and not above it. If you can carry a conversation with a jogging fellow, its possible that you are over doing it. Always keep in mined the following questions when excercising:

1. How intense should training be?
2. How long should it last?
3. How often should it be done?

The Act of performing are firms of standard scores viewed as its fundamental constituent going before in time national physical fitness tests. The attainment of execution targets shown in the table below means the physical fitness level of students is very good in a particular component.

For Example, a thirteen-year-old girl who gets a score of 12.6 seconds in shuttle run proves that she has a high level of agility and coordination.


Dance in Cambodia

Friday, September 4, 2009

The movements of the Cambodian dance are sensitive and dreamy bottom of everything considered as it's support on Hindu-inspired legends. Their dance differs little from the Thai dance Lukhon. The basic movements are identical and the costumes practically similar. Read more...

Dance in Korea

The classical dances in Korea are categorized as follows:

a. The ritual dances are performed by Buddhist monks holding sticks and drum. The swinging of the sleeves of their robes is the basic movement. It depicts the offering of one's body to Buddha. The other ritual dance is performed by 64 males of the Confusian temple. The movements are very uncompounded but colorful. The dancers hold a flute, a shield and an axe.

b. Court dancers design to amuse the nobility at the royal court. They are characterized by the slow and apt movement of their arms and legs.

c. Folk dances are characterized by the frankness of emotional expressions of the people which are not seen in rites and court dances. Read more...

1000 Meter-run

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Point: To gauge cardio-respiratory endurance.

Detailed plan of procedure:

1. This test should be performed in an accurately measured running track of 1,00-meter distance.

2. Spend 12 training sessions prior to administering the test on an endurance training, like jogging. Apply the principles of overload.

3. Take a standing start behind the starting line at the signal "Ready". As the signal "Go" is given, run or walk the entire length of 1,000 meters.


For each runner assign a partner who will count the laps and record the time. Read more...

Sit and Reach

Point: To extent flexibility of the lower back and the hamstring muscles.

Detailed plan of procedure:

1. Begin by perching on the ground surface with the back against the wall, legs in variable direction, flat on the floor and spread 30 centimeters apart.

2. Interlock the thumbs and overlap the middle fingers. Without granting the head, neck, back and hips to shift aside from the wall, sluggishly reach as far forward as contingent with fully degree arms with fingertips touching the floor. Hold this posture as the tester slides touches the fingertips. This position of the meter stick on the floor should not be moved while you do the Sit and Reach movement.

3. Back to the staring position with relaxed arms and shoulder .

4. Immediately, do the sit and reach by slowly reaching out forward and down with both arms and the fingertips slightly touching the meterstick. Return to hthe starting position and do it again one more time. On the last try, hold the posture at least 2 seconds as the score is being read. Read more...