Basic Guidelines on Physical Fitness

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Exercise has a lot of advantages. It makes you feel better, gives the extra energy relief and gives you to deal with life stresses better.

The heart will get stronger and more efficient as you increment fitness. Your blood pressure decremental to a lower and more healthful level. The body, including the heart, uses more oxygen more effectively. Furthermore, as you exercise and get into shape, your body composition changes. The fat goes down and lean muscles develop.

The heart is composed of muscles that desired to be strengthened. Exercise for this must be done with right intensity and duration. The proper intensity can be through by the following procedure.

1. Personal Maximal Heart Rate(PMHR). The highest heartbeat is 220 per minute. To figure out(PMHR), take your pulse, subtract your age from your heartbeat.

For Example:

220 Highest heartbeat
- 15 Age

205 Heartbeat of a 15-year-old-person taking (PMHR)

2. Training Heart Rate (THR). The THR portrays the rate of heartbeat before and after an excercise. To take this, multiply the (PMHR) with 60% for the lowest rate and 80% for th highest rate.

For example:

205 (PMHR) of a 15-year-old person
x .6 60%
123 Lowest (THR)

205 (PMHR) of a 15-year-old person
x .08 80%
164 Highest (THR)

Therefore, the THR of a 15-year old should be between123 and 164 eats while excercising. The continuance of the workout should not be an 15 munites. Increase is gradually until the 30-munute workout is reached. Stop your timepiece when the highest rate of heartbeat is attained. The excercise, in order to be succesful, should be done every other day, three times a week, with proper intensity and time duration.

Talking is the easy way to see if you are in the traing range and not above it. If you can carry a conversation with a jogging fellow, its possible that you are over doing it. Always keep in mined the following questions when excercising:

1. How intense should training be?
2. How long should it last?
3. How often should it be done?


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